Quick Facts
- Must be three years old by September 30
- Must be potty-trained
- 1:6 Teacher to Child Ratio
- Teachers: Jennifer Hirt, Melinda Winterhalter, Robinnette Wrobel, & Marti Shelby
- Classes & tuition:
- 2 day - $225/month ($2025/year)
- 3 day - $285/month ($2565/year)
- 4 day - $345/month ($3105/year)
Class Description
Our three-year-old classes offer a nurturing and safe environment for children to be exposed to and work toward mastery of age-appropriate skills and concepts through play and exploration and develop friendships. Above all, we want to point the children to Jesus and teach them that God loves them dearly.
Three-Year-Old skills include, but are not limited to:
- Language & Communication: speak clearly, listen, express feelings, follow directions
- Self Help: clean up after themselves, bathroom independence, cover mouth when coughing
- Emotional: express feelings in a healthy way, build on success to increase confidence
- Social: share with others, take turns, obey teachers, talk & play with friends
- Physical
- Gross Motor: jump in place, balance on one foot, throw & catch a ball
- Fine Motor: hold scissors and crayon correctly, cut along a line
- Music: listen, rhythm, creativity
- Art: colors, creativity, explore different mediums
- Cognitive
- Literacy: listen to stories, predict end of story, sequence, repeat simple rhymes, write and recognize letters in name
- Math: count to 10, shapes, simple patterns, matching, big/bigger & long/short
- Science: five senses, plant growth, magnets