What are your primary responsibilities at WEPC?
I preach and teach and counsel. Day to day, I lead the staff.
What do you see God doing at WEPC?
In really small ways, we are taking baby steps toward fulfilling the description in Revelation of men and women from every tribe and nation worshiping God together.
Why are you excited to be a part of WEPC?
The Gospel is clear here, and the Gospel renews people. Renewed people are able to see and love people who are different from them in supernatural ways.
What is your favorite story?
A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor
What brings you joy?
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” – 3 John 1:4
Tell us about your family and/or what you like to do for fun.
My wife, Marti, and I have three grown children. We’re thankful to be here in Richmond, at WEPC, fulfilling God’s call for our family.