WEPC Friends: a ministry to love and include children with special needs and their families

We believe that the Gospel changes everything.  Jesus’ love and mercy reaches into the lives and hearts of all believers through the covenant community of our church body.  WEPC Friends hopes to better provide opportunities for all children in the body to hear and experience the gospel in a safe, appropriate way.  We have found that there are children who need extra help, assistance, or understanding to participate in our ministries.  Every one of our children is unique, and has been lovingly created by God in His own image. It is important for the church to understand how physical disabilities, emotional or mental health struggles, illness or health concerns, food allergies or any other special circumstances may play a part in a child’s ability to fully participate in our ministries, and consider how we can love & support parents and families.

Please use this WEPC Friends Communication Form to tell us how we can understand, include, and better serve your family. 


Night to Shine 

Night to Shine is a prom night experience, centered on Jesus' love for individuals with disabilities.  This event is held in February each year.  WEPC partners with more than 10 local churches to sponsor this event.  For more information, visit