Our children’s ministry, wepckids, strives to bring the Gospel to bear
in every facet of children’s lives.

Director of Children's Ministry: Audrey Snyder 
Children's Ministry Administrator:
Colleen Jacoby

calendar of events:


13th- SS, CW

16th- Kids' Club

20th- Churchwide Tailgate (open to ALL FAMILIES...please come!) / 12 PM

20th- SS, CW

23rd- Kids' Club--Fall Fun & Christmas Pageant Auditions for 4th and 5th Graders

27th- SS (Last Sunday Large Group), CW

30th- Kids' Club costume party


3rd- SS, NO CW

6th- Kids' Club (pageant rehearsal)

10th- SS, CW

13th- Kids' Club (pageant rehearsal)

17th- SS, CW

20th- Kids' Club

24th- SS (Last Sunday Large Group), CW

27th- NO Kids' Club -- Happy Thanksgiving!


1st- SS, NO CW 

4th- Kids' Club (Pageant Dress Rehearsal)

8th- SS, CW

8th- Possible Pageant Dress Rehearsal (12:15-3:00 PM)

11th- Christmas Pageant

15th- SS, CW

18th- NO Kids' Club

22nd- SS, CW

25th- Christmas Day!!

29th- SS, CW

Save the Date: VBS 2025!
June 23-26, 2025

Kids' Club (K-5th grade)

Wednesdays / 6-7:30 PM / Room 25
Join us for Bible teaching, games, crafts, and fellowship! 

Review of Catechism Questions:

    1. Who made you? God
    2. What else did God make? God made all things.
    3. Why did God make you and all things? For his own glory
    4. How can you glorify God? By loving him and doing what he commands
    5. Why are you to glorify God? Because he made me and takes care of me.
    6. Is there more than one true God? No. There is only one true God.
    7. In how many Persons does this one God exist? In three Persons
    8. Name these three Persons.The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
    9. What is God? God is a Spirit and does not have a body like men.
    10. Where is God? God is everywhere
    11. Can you see God? No. I cannot see God, but he always sees me.
    12. Does God know all things? Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.
    13. Can God do all things? Yes. God can do all his holy will.
    14. Where do you learn how to love and obey God? In the Bible alone
    15. Who wrote the Bible? Chosen men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit
    16. Who were our first parents? Adam and Eve.
    17. How did God create man? God created man, male and female, after his own image.
    18. Of what were our first parents made? God made Adam's body out of the ground and Eve's body out of a rib from Adam.
    19. What else did God give Adam and Eve besides bodies? He gave them souls that will last forever.
    20. Do you have a soul as well as a body? Yes. And my soul is going to last forever.
    21. How do you know your soul will last forever? Because the Bible tells me so.


Sunday School Teachers

We are currently looking for teachers and helpers in our 3 year old through 5th grade Sunday School classes for the 2024-2025 school year. No experience necessary, training is provided, and lots of opportunities to build intergenerational relationships as you walk with our students through the New Testament. 

Sunday Morning Nursery

Children's Ministry is looking for one nursery coordinator and 9-12 second service nursery volunteers to rotate every 8 weeks. Come care for our little ones (birth to age 3) and share the love of Christ. 

Children's Worship

Have a heart for worship? Our 4 year old-2nd graders meet each week during the second service to learn about the elements of worship as they worship our King Jesus! We are in need of Teachers, Helpers, and Worship Leaders to shepherd our students for the 2024-2025 school year. Training is provided! 

Kids Club

Our Wednesday Night Program (6:00-7:30 pm) for grades K-5 is looking for adult and high school leaders to join in the journey this year! Wednesday nights include praise and worship, Bible, small group, games, crafts, and a lot of silliness and fun! 


Sunday School Curriculum

Teachers/Assistants: click button below to see current curriculum!

The Biggest Story Curriculum in PDF form

K-3rd Grade will be using The Biggest Story Bible Curriculum. Take a peek at the video below.

4th & 5th Grade will be using "What's Up? Discovering the Gospel, Jesus and Who You Really Are" by Deborah Harrell & Jack Klumpenhower


Infant Nursery and Nursing Mothers' Room

We are so thankful for the growing number of babies in our congregation. Our Infant Nursery is back open and will be staffed on Sunday mornings. There are a number of swings, bouncers, cribs, and toys to keep your baby happy during services.

We also have a Nursing Mothers' Room available for use at all times. It is next to the infant nursery, behind the nursery counter. Mothers, feel free to use this room. There are a number of gliders, a changing pad, and pack 'n plays, and you can listen in to the service while in there.

Church Library

Did you know you can check out books from our church library downstairs? There are a number of children's books that have recently been purchased and are available to check out. Be sure to go take a peek at them on display in the children's section.


Click on the button below to find out when you serve in Sunday School, Children's Worship, and Nursery.

Children's Ministry VOLUNTEER Schedule/Contacts

Click on the button below to complete our Volunteer Application if you are interested in serving in this ministry.

Children's Ministry Volunteer Application

Click on the button below to read our Safety Policy.

WEPC Safety and Abuse Prevention Policy


Ministry age groups

Infants & Toddlers

Our nursery offers newborns to three years old safe, nurturing care during Sunday morning services.

Preschoolers through Grade School

Children ages 4-10 have many chances to grow in the Gospel:

  • Preschool Quest offers four- and five-year-olds music, crafts, creative storytelling, and much more during Sunday services.
  • Sunday School classes are offered every Sunday morning to teach children the content of our faith.
  • During the school year, Wednesday evenings are time of fun and discipleship in small groups at Kids Club and 4.5 Connect (for 4th and 5th graders).


 Leader / Volunteer Resources