The goal of WEPC's Mercy Ministry is to bring glory to God through addressing the physical and worldly needs of those in the WEPC family and the surrounding community in a biblically sound, compassionate, wise, and effective manner.

WEPC's Deacons and Deacon Assistants lead this ministry and meet regularly with those in need, both in our congregation and in our wider community, to listen and to pray with and for them. Deacons and Deacon Assistants also connect them to other WEPC ministries, such as the Community ESL School and In Jesus' Name Food Pantry,  and offer assistance with budgeting, navigating health care, and beginning the citizenship process, among many other things based on individuals' needs and WEPC's ability to help. When deemed appropriate, Deacons and Deacon Assistants are also able to offer short-term financial assistance through WEPC's Mercy Fund.

If you would like to support the work of the Mercy Ministry, you may give financially (choose "Deacon Mercy Ministry Fund) to the Mercy Fund, donate or volunteer with the Food Pantry, and learn more about becoming a Deacon Assistant.

In Jesus' Name Food Pantry

Open on SUNDAYS, 12-1 PM 
Leaders: and Black

We would love to have individuals, families, ministries, and home groups consider donating items to restock our shelves. 

Ways to Donate Food:

  1. Use the CURRENT NEEDS list anytime (see below).  
  2. Join a FOOD ITEM TEAM for regular list-free giving (see below). 
  3. Designate MONETARY GIFTS to the food pantry. 

Helpful tips:

  • Brown paper grocery bags with handles and Kroger's sturdy white plastic CLICKLIST PICKUP bags always welcomed!
  • Please check any item for donation to our food pantry for the "Best By" or expiration date.  Our neighbors will not be given or offered any item past that date.  
  • During the week, please leave your donations on a cart just inside the east entrance door. If you donate fresh or frozen meat, please let someone in the office know.
  • On Sundays, there will a cart at all three entrances for your donations. If you bring fresh or frozen meat, please let a deacon know.

Food Pantry needs as of October 21, 2024:   Some of  our shelves have low inventory.  Would you consider adding some of these items to your grocery list for our food pantry shelves?  


Flour (5 lbs)



Raisins (10-12 oz.) 

White Rice (1-2 lbs) 

Dry Kidney Beans 

Dry Garbanzos/Chickpeas

Peanut Butter (Creamy and Crunchy) 




Mandarin Oranges


Mixed Fruit 

Mixed Vegetables 

Kidney Beans

Garbanzo Beans

Diced Tomatoes

White Potatoes




Check out this "list-free" way to donate food items to the WEPC In Jesus' Name Food Pantry!  Because large quantities of these particular items leave the food pantry shelves each week, a large and steady supply is needed. Simply choose a team and add your team's items to your grocery list each time you shop. Contact Karen Howe with questions.

5 lb bag of all-purpose flour and a 4 lb bag of sugar to your shopping cart each time. *Because flour and sugar do not ship well from retailers, please bring these items into the church personally. 

TEAM OIL/SALT (aka FRY TEAM): Please add a 1 or 1.5 quart of oil and a box of salt to your shopping cart each time. 

2 bags (1 lb) of dry chickpeas/garbanzos and/or 2 cans of chickpeas/garbanzos to your cart each time.

TEAM TOMATO: Please add a can or cans of diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, and tomato paste to your cart each time. 

TEAM PEACH (aka FRUIT TEAM): Please add some cans of fruit (especially peaches and pineapple) to your cart each time.

*IMPORTANT: These teams will always welcome free-agents should you spot sale pricing and good supply! THERE ARE NO FORMAL SIGNUPS, CHOOSE ANY TEAM AFFILIATION, and donate as regularly as you can.