Every Sunday, from 12/19/2021 to 12/25/2022, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Served weekly at 9:00 & 10:30 AM services
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
West End Presbyterian Church welcomes all baptized Christians who actively trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, who are willing to forsake their sin and heart-idols, and who are members of congregations that proclaim the Gospel, to participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with us.
The Elders and Deacons presiding over the Supper are praying for you as the congregation participates in the sacrament.
At the center aisle station, wine and grape juice with gluten-free wafers are available in double cups. The gluten-free water is found in the bottom cup. Juice is in the purple cup. Wine is in the clear cup.
Produced on dedicated equipment in a dedicated facility. Gluten-free, dairy free, egg free, peanut free, fish and shellfish free.
At all the other stations, grape juice is in purple cups, wine is in the clear cups on the outer ring of the tray. Gluten-free matzo is available in a separate tray.
Produced in a nut free facility.
Please come forward as you are ready to participate in the Lord's Supper individually, with a friend, or as a family. If you need special assistance and are not able to come forward for Communion, please raise your hand and a church officer will come to serve you the elements after his line is completed.
After all are served and have returned to their seats, we will take the bread and the cup together as a congregation.
If your child is ready to make a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ, please contact the church office.