Every Tuesday, from 02/04/2025 to 05/06/2025, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: WEPC Chapel, 9008 Quioccasin Road, Richmond, VA US 23229

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spring 2025 divorcecare Group for Men & Women

Tuesdays through May 6 / 7-9 PM
Join us for a 13-week Christ-centered program addressing the complexity of life when facing marital separation or divorce. The program includes video teaching from over 50 leading Christian counselors, teachers, and pastors, group discussion and personal Bible study. Register at www.divorcecare.org/findagroup, and click on the “More Info” tab for West End Presbyterian Church. 

Description of group:
Healing from divorce is not easy. Most people say separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever had. It comes with feelings of isolation, shame, anger, depression, and a host of questions about issues they never imagined they would personally have to face. But there is hope….

DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move towards rebuilding your life. Most participants in DivorceCare testify that the group discussion is the best part of these groups, where they experience the greatest amount of healing, having a safe place to share their stories and prayers and hearing the stories and prayers of others. 

Some of the topics that are covered in DivorceCare include:

 How long will the pain last? Will I survive?

 Are these feelings normal? Where is God in all of this?

 What do I do about sexual temptation?

 How do I get out of debt?

 What does the Bible say about my situation?

 How do I know if I’m ready for a new relationship?

 How do I protect my kids through this?

 Is it possible to reconcile with my ex-spouse?

Cost: There is no charge for attending; however, we will ask for donations of $15.00 to help reimburse for materials. Child care will not be provided.

Registration: Click on the button below to register. Once on the registration page, locate the program for West End Presbyterian Church and click on the “More Info” tab to proceed to registration. (This is a group for BOTH men and women.)


ContactsBryan Finch (804) 939-7665 or Matt Osenga (804) 335-8477