Help plant a PCA church in Goochland County this coming year!  We are excited to announce that Joe and Blair Brown and their family will be working to plant a PCA church in Goochland County this coming year! With the support of West End Presbyterian Church, City Church, and the James River Presbytery, Joe will be working to build a group of interested folks who want to see a Gospel-centered, reformed Presbyterian church in the growing county of Goochland. 

Please consider joining Joe Brown and family in making this new church a reality by one of three ways:

  1. Praying for this work
  2. Giving financially to this work
  3. Telling others about this work

If you have any questions, or would like to know how you can participate, please contact the church planter, Pastor Joe Brown.

Visit the Cultivate Goochland Church Planting website!

Give financially to the Goochland Church Plant Fund

***By clicking the button, it will redirect you to City Church of Richmond (PCA), who is hosting the church plant fund.***