WEPC offers a variety of opportunities throughout the week for adults to gather for fellowship and discipleship.
adult sunday school
9 AM / Room 810
1 Peter
through April 13
In times of suffering where do we find hope? 1 Peter reminds us that hope is offered in Jesus Christ. Join us as we learn that suffering is more than just hardship, it can be an opportunity to see and share the love of Christ. Led by Elder Chris Newlin and Matt Bouknight.
*For past class handouts, audio, etc., please visit the Adult Sunday School page.*
The Table Fellowship & Prayer
Fridays / 12 - 1 PM / 810
*No meeting on April 4 because of Spring Break.
The Table is an informal gathering to pray and fellowship as a church, open to anyone that would like to attend. We’ll have a short devotional, pray for the needs of the church and each other, and eat lunch together. Please bring a packed lunch. No need to RSVP. Contact: Matt Bouknight
wednesday night fellowship
THE CROSS-SHAPED LIFE: What the Cross of Christ Tells Us about God and about Following Jesus
Wednesdays through April 9 / 6-7:30 PM / WEPC Chapel
The Cross of Christ is the heart of God and the way we live as disciples. Led by Kevin Greene, Brian Wilcox, and Becca Wethered. Visit the class page for more information. Questions?
Young Adults Ministry
Meets every other Thursday @ 7 PM
Next Meeting: March 27 @ Mollie & Mya's house
Young Adults at WEPC is for those in their 20s & 30s looking for a space to grow in their faith and connect with others. Visit our event page for other upcoming events. Contact: Matt Bouknight.
inquirer's weekend
Next Gathering: TBD
For those interested in learning more about our church and the possibility of membership in the future. Inquirer's Weekend is a wonderful time to meet our pastors in a group setting and learn some foundations of Christianity, foundations for our church’s worship, and opportunities for connection and service with others. Click HERE for more information and details. Contact: Karen Howe.
Home Groups
Home groups are a great way to make a big church smaller, meet people, and get into the Word. If you have questions about home groups at WEPC, or would be interested in joining one, please contact Joy Andrews.
WEPC Discipleship Podcast
Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts
Season 1: Advent 2020
Season 2: Ecclesiastes - Spring 2021
Season 3: Acts - Summer 2021
Season 4: 12 Components of Discipleship - 2021-2022
Season 5: Human Sexuality - Fall 2022
Season 6: Deconstruction - February 2023
Season 7: Revelation - Spring 2023
Season 8: Community is Exhausting - Fall 2023
Season 9: What is a "Good" Church? - Winter 2023
Season 10: Addressing Abuse in the Church - Spring 2024