The purpose statement for the WEPC Men's Ministry is "to point men to Jesus Christ as their sole sufficiency by gathering together, loving one another, bearing one another's burdens, sharing in one another's joy, teaching and applying the truth of the gospel, and serving others above ourselves to the glory of God."
SEcond Monday
April 14 / 6:30-8 PM / Fellowship Hall
Join us for our monthly gathering of men from WEPC and the community for food, fellowship, and Gospel teaching. This year's focus is on "Faith and Hope," based on Hebrews 11. Contact: Mike Glasgow
spring 2025 divorcecare Group for Men & Women
Tuesdays through May 6 / 7-9 PM
Join us for a 13-week Christ-centered program addressing the complexity of life when facing marital separation or divorce. The program includes video teaching from over 50 leading Christian counselors, teachers, and pastors, group discussion and personal Bible study. There is no charge for attending; however, we request a $15 donation for materials. Child care will not be provided. Register at, and click on the “More Info” tab for West End Presbyterian Church. Contact: Bryan Finch or Matt Osenga
If you would like to join a group of men from WEPC who meet regularly to study the Bible and pray together, contact Mike Glasgow.
Current small groups that are meeting:
(more groups will be added as they form)
Day of week | Time | Leader/contact info | Study Material | Location |
Every other TUESDAY | 7 PM | Mike Glasgow | James | Panera (Regency) |
Men's Basketball

Mondays / 7-9 PM / Gym
WEPC members and attenders (ages 35+) are invited to play some friendly pickup basketball! Contact: Jon Jarvis