As part of Christ's body expressed in this local community, we exist to glorify God and to enjoy Him. We delight in His presence because He delights in us. We push into the dark valleys of life because He has freed us from our sin through the work of Christ on the cross. And we serve because He has served us.
As you explore how God has made you, and discover the gifts you have been blessed with, we ask that you prayerfully examine the roles below as a way for all of us to serve Jesus and others together.
Join a team today.
Volunteers that participate in our hospitality ministry help provide a welcoming, accessible environment to all who come to worship and serve once every 8 weeks. Contact: Karen Howe
- Greeter: hand out bulletins, greet with a smile
- Coffee Chef: prepare coffee
- Welcome Center Host: answer questions, distribute information
- Communion Prep: prepare communion trays weekly
Children's Ministry (birth through elementary school)
Volunteers in the Children's Ministry help to care for and teach our children the Gospel.
Contact: Audrey Snyder
- Nursery
- Children's Worship teachers and helpers
- Sunday School teachers and helpers
Youth (middle and high school)
Volunteers in the Youth Ministry help middle school and high school students to learn and grow spiritually, socially and intellectually in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact: Marcela Henderman
- Youth Group leaders
- Community Group leaders
- Music Team volunteers
- Special Event volunteers
Neighborhood Outreach
Build meaningful relationships with our neighbors and share the love of Christ with them in many different ways.
Contact: Changjwok Deng
- Tutoring
- Simple English Service
- In Jesus' Name Food Pantry
- New Hope Groups
- Spanish Bible Study
- Running Club
- Sewing Friends
- Tax Preparation Assistance
- Translation
ESL program
Share the love of Jesus with our neighbors while assisting with language learning in many different ways!
Contact: Heather Glissman
- Adult Classroom Teachers & Assistants
- Kids' Program Volunteers
- Nursery Volunteers
- Snack Coordinator
- Conversation Partners
Worship Arts
Use your gifts and talents on Sunday mornings during worship as part of the music team or in the sound booth.
Contact Becca Wethered
- Musicians
- Video Techs
- Audio Techs