The James River Presbytery’s Hispanic Leadership Development Commission’s vision is “to fulfill the Great Commission among Hispanics in the James River Presbytery and greater Virginia by developing Gospel-centered Hispanic PCA Pastors, churches, and church ministries.”
To this end, we have established the Hispanic Leadership Development Fund (HLDF) to be a strategic resource in supporting such projects as:
- Pastoral & Church-Planting Internships
- Summer Internships
- Leadership Development
- Seminary Training
- University & Youth Ministry Initiatives
All contributions to the HLDF are earmarked for ministry approved and administered by the JRP Hispanic Leadership Development Commission. By making such a strategic funding commitment, we pray that our presbytery will be a field where Hispanic church planters & leaders desire to serve.
Our hopeful expectation is that committed funding will be an asset to our ongoing efforts in ordained Hispanic leadership recruitment, and continuing and repeated ministry development.
- Pray for our churches to seek the Lord's leading in fulfilling the Biblical mandate to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth and across social, economic, and racial barriers.
- Pray for our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, that we will be a witness to the church we anticipate in Revelation 7:9-12.
- Pray for God to bless the HLDF, that we would have the funding to provide growth and training opportunities for Hispanic leaders; That we would become an attractive destination for those interested in planting Hispanic, cross-cultural, or multi-ethnic churches.
An individual or church can give at any level.
Donate to the Hispanic Leadership Development Fund
If you would prefer to send a check, please make the check payable to West End Presbyterian Church, include "HLDF" in the memo line, and mail to:
Hispanic Leadership Development Fund
West End Presbyterian Church
9008 Quioccasin Road
Richmond, VA 23229
West End Presbyterian Church will hold the funds collected until they are distributed. All funds collected to the HLDF will be held in perpetuity, until distributed by the JRP Hispanic Leadership Development Commission.
If the Session of your JRP church is seeking to train and develop a Hispanic leader from your congregation, please contact TE Frank Matthews ( ) for support.
If you are a Hispanic leader who is interested in learning more about serving in the James River Presbytery (Virginia), please contact TE Frank Matthews ( ).