We are not all called to foster or adopt but we are all called to care.
foster parent night out
Saturday, April 26 / 4-7PM
Join us for a fun, STEM-focused event presented by CGI.
We are looking for volunteers to help with:
- being a kid’s buddy
- helping in the baby room
All volunteers (18 and older) will require a background check (contact Kristin or Ann in the church office) within the last 2 years. Teenagers 13 and older are welcome to volunteer.
Feel free to invite other folks from WEPC who might be interested! Thank you in advance for the support for these kids and their families! What a great way to serve and share the light of Jesus!
For those who don’t know, churches in the area partner with Henrico County Department of Social Services to support foster families in the county. Foster Parent Night Out is done 4-5 times a year. It is a time when foster families with an active placement can come and drop off the kids in their home for 3 hours and get a break, have a meal on us (parents are given a gift card for a nearby restaurant), or get some things done without their kids. This is especially important for foster families as it can be challenging to find breaks. We usually have between 30-45 kids sign up.
Volunteer Spotlight: Tracy
Hello! My name is Tracy and I would love to share why I’m on the Wrap Around ministry committee here at WEPC!
David Platt said, “Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
As a former foster mom, host mom, and current adoptive (and biological) mom, I have “held them in my arms.”
Although our family is not currently in a position where we can host or foster, I wanted to continue to be involved in foster care and orphan care in some way.
The Wrap Around ministry has provided me many opportunities to serve, grow, and stay “plugged in” to the needs both in WEPC and the Richmond area, with other like minded believers.
This world is so broken, but being involved with Wrap Around is a constant reminder that every child is an image bearer of God and deserving of a loving family. We have the privilege of being the hands and feet of Jesus to hurting kids, and the adults who have stepped up to make a difference in their lives.
I invite you to join us as we “Wrap Around” foster and adoptive families!
Learn About Foster Care
about WEPC's WrapAround Ministry:
The body of Christ is called to be pro-life for every life, at every stage, through the celebration and protection of the dignity and flourishing of every human life.
WrapAround is a ministry team at WEPC ready to serve:
- Nearby families in crisis (in an effort to keep families together and children out of foster care)
- Foster families (to support them as they care for children in foster care while birth families work to get back on track).
There is a role for everybody including making a meal, babysitting, giving rides, mentoring, providing respite care for foster families, and volunteering during special events for foster children.
If you’d like to join the team OR if you know someone who needs our help, please contact Ali Fogarty.
WrapAround also partners with:
Virginia’s Kids Belong
Serving foster families, children in foster care, and birth families through the Department of Social Services in Henrico County.
For Richmond
Unite the Church. Transform the city.