Interested in serving on the WEPC Gospel & Race Discipleship Team?
This team seeks to offer Biblical resources and training opportunities regarding the Gospel, race, reconciliation, and justice. Contact: Kevin Greene
The Gospel and Race: Learning Resources
WEPC Pastoral Letter: The Gospel, Race, & Biblical Justice
Following Jesus: Stories of Fellowship in His Suffering
March 26, 2022
What does it mean to proclaim Jesus and to love like Him, even in the midst of our differences? Speakers Mike & Renee Higgins share tories of fellowship with Christ that we might be encouraged as His disciples. Mike is the Lead Pastor of South City Church and former Chaplain of Covenant Theological Seminary, both in Saint Louis, MO. Mike is a retired US Army Colonel, and has served as a church planter and Army chaplain. Renee has served as a leader, Bible instructor, and minister to children, women, and military families for over 40 years. Mike and Renee have enjoyed co-leading classes at Covenant Seminary together. They have been married and best friends since 1979. They have two daughters and two grandchildren.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
General Resources
A Message from Pastor Steve Shelby, June 10, 2020
Pastor Stan Morton’s Teaching, July 16, 2020
2018 PCA Racial and Ethnic Reconciliation Report
For help navigating resources, the following categories may be helpful:
- I want a better theological understanding of the relevance of racial issues to the Church.
- I want resources for lament and prayer.
- I want to learn more about the history of race and its implications.
- I want to process these issues in community with others as part of a small group.
- I am looking for practical ways to pursue mercy and justice as I walk humbly with God.
- I am a person of color seeking encouragement as I operate within majority culture.
- I want help talking to my kids about issues of race and justice.
I want a better theological understanding of the relevance of racial issues to the Church.
Meditate and Pray: Ephesians 2:11-22
Read: The Beautiful Community by Dr. Irwin Ince
Read: "The Bible and Race" by Tim Keller, March 2020
Read: Biblical Ethics: An Overview on Racial Discrimination (ESV Study Bible)
Listen: Dr. Carl Ellis, "The Need for a Two-sided Theology"
I want resources for lament and prayer.
Meditate and Pray: Psalm 10, Psalm 94:16-22
Liturgy from WEPC’s Service of Lament, June 28, 2020
Watch: "Racism and Corporate Evil: A White Guy’s Perspective" by Tim Keller
Read: Weep with Me by Mark Vroegop
I want to learn more about the history of race and its implications.
Meditate and Pray: Romans 12: 1-2, 9-21; Acts 10:34-48
Read: “George Floyd and Me” by Shai Linne
Watch: "Understanding the Heart Cry of Black Lives Matter," RVA Race and the Church 2016
Watch: Holy Post: Race in America
Read: Free at Last? The Gospel in the African American Experience by Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr.
Read: Richmond’s Unhealed History by Rev. Ben Campbell
I want to process these issues in community with others from the church.
Meditate and Pray: II Corinthians 5:14-21
Group Study: Be the Bridge to Racial Unity by Latasha Morrison*
* A pdf of scripture passages to accompany the Be the Bridge book is available through the church office.
Group Study: Advocates by Dhati Lewis
I am looking for practical ways to pursue mercy and justice as I walk humbly with God.
Meditate and Pray: Philemon 1:1-25, Isaiah 58:1-14
Listen: "Doing Justice and Mercy" by Rev. Tim Keller
Read: Generous Justice by Rev. Tim Keller
WEPC Ministry and Partnership opportunities
- Food Pantry and Mercy Ministry
- Wrap Around Ministry
- PCA Unity Fund
- African American Church Planter Fund
I am a person of color seeking encouragement as I operate within majority culture.
Meditate and Pray: Psalm 34; I Corinthians 12:1-26
Read: The Beautiful Community by Dr. Irwin Ince
Read: Free at Last? The Gospel in the African American Experience by Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr.
Read: Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley
I want help talking to my kids about issues of race and justice.
Meditate and Pray: Psalm 78:1-8
For Younger Children:
Upper Elementary and Above:
- Heroes in Black History by Dave and Neta Jackson
- Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans by Kadir Nelson
For further study
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
Grace, Justice and Mercy: An Evening with Bryan Stevenson and Tim Keller
The Whitewashing of Christianity, Pastor Jerome Gay Jr., February 2021
History of Race in the PCA with Dr. Sean M. Lucas, February 2021
RVA Race and the Church Video Series 2016
Podcasts and Sermons
Bridging the Racial Divide through Conversation
If you would like to meet and pray with a pastor or counselor about any of these topics, contact the WEPC Church Office.
All resources included above have been evaluated by members of WEPC and determined to be helpful as we humbly engage this topic; however, not every resource will align completely with WEPC's Pastoral Letter, and all should be viewed in light of the guidance that document provides.